BMLT Satellite Driver
1 <?php
3 /****************************************************************************************/
4 /**
5 \brief Provides low-level communication to the BMLT Root Server.
7 \version 1.1.1
9 This file is part of the Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT).
11 Find out more at:
13 BMLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 (at your option) any later version.
18 BMLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 GNU General Public License for more details.
23 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 along with this code. If not, see <>.
25  */
27 /****************************************************************************************//**
28  * \brief This is the main class for the Satellite Controller. It establishes a liaison *
29  * with the root server. *
30  * *
31  * This class will perform the REST communication with the server, and will also aid in *
32  * interpreting and organizing the communications. It does not assemble any HTML, *
33  * JavaScript or CSS. That will be left to View Layer implementations that use this class. *
34  ********************************************************************************************/
35 // phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace
36 // phpcs:disable Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
38 // phpcs:enable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace
39 // phpcs:enable Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
40 {
41  /****************************************************************************************
43  ****************************************************************************************/
44  /// This is a static data member, because the list will apply to all instances. Slot 0 is the default protocol.
45  private static $m_supported_protocols = array ( ///< An array of strings. The supported protocols
46  'http', ///< Standard HTTP (Default protocol)
47  'https' ///< SSL
48  );
50  /****************************************************************************************
52  ****************************************************************************************/
53  private $m_root_uri_string = null; ///< This is a string, containing the URI to the root server.
54  private $m_error_message = null; ///< This is a string that will contain any error messages.
56  /************************************************************************************//**
57  * The way that the outgoing associative array will work, is that it will be filled *
58  * with the keys that are available to the implementor to be used in a query to the *
59  * root server. Some of these keys will have arrays of still more keys, and some of *
60  * these "contained arrays" of values will be filled at runtime, after some *
61  * transactions have been executed with the server. *
62  ****************************************************************************************/
63  private $m_outgoing_parameters = null; /**< An associative array of mixed values.
64 The array keys will be the parameter keys
65 for outgoing transaction stimuli.
66 This array is preset with keys for the available parameters.
67  */
68  private $m_server_version = null; ///< The server version. Null if the server has not been queried.
69  private $m_current_transaction = null; ///< This will hold an array of transaction parameter values for an outgoing transaction.
71  /****************************************************************************************
73  ****************************************************************************************/
75  /************************************************************************************//**
76  * \brief Constructor -Set the value of the Root URI. *
77  * If a URI is passed in, then the object establishes and tests a connection, and *
78  * loads up the standard outgoing parameters. *
79  * This object requires that the server be of version 1.8.6 or greater. *
80  ****************************************************************************************/
81  public function __construct($in_root_uri_string = null) ///< The URI to the root server, can be null
82  {
83  if ($in_root_uri_string) {
84  // Don't need to flush the params, as we'll be doing that next.
85  $this->set_m_root_uri($in_root_uri_string, true);
86  }
88  // Initialize the parameters.
89  $this->flush_parameters();
91  // OK, now we talk to the server, and fill up on the various server-specific things.
92  if ($in_root_uri_string) {
93  // The first thing we do, is get the server version. We must have version 1.8.6 or greater.
94  $version = $this->get_server_version();
95  if (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
96  $version_int = intval(str_replace('.', '', $version));
97  if ($version_int > 185) {
98  if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { // Must have cURL. This puppy won't work without cURL.
99  $this->set_m_error_message('__construct: The cURL extension is not available! This code will not work on this server!');
100  } else {
102  }
103  } else {
104  $this->set_m_error_message('__construct: The root server at (' . $in_root_uri_string . ') is too old (it is version ' . $version . ')! It needs to be at least Version 1.8.6!');
105  }
106  }
107  }
108  }
110  /****************************************************************************************
112  ****************************************************************************************/
114  /************************************************************************************//**
115  * \brief Accessor -Set the value of the Root URI. *
116  * *
117  * NOTE: If the server URI changes, the parameters are flushed. *
118  ****************************************************************************************/
119  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
120  public function set_m_root_uri(
121  $in_root_uri_string, // A string. The URI to set to the data member. This is set verbatim. Cleaning is performed at recall time.
122  $in_skip_flush = false ///< Optional. If true, the parameters won't be flushed, even if they need to be.
123  ) {
124  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
125  // If we are selecting a new server, or changing servers, we flush all stored parameters.
126  if (!$in_skip_flush && strcmp($in_root_uri_string, $this->m_root_uri_string ?? '')) {
127  $this->flush_parameters();
128  }
130  $this->m_root_uri_string = $in_root_uri_string;
131  }
133  /************************************************************************************//**
134  * \brief Accessor -Return the value of the Root URI. Perform "cleaning" if necessary. *
135  * *
136  * \returns A string. The root URI, with the protocol preamble. If none is given, *
137  * "http" is used. Also, there is no trailing slash. *
138  ****************************************************************************************/
139  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
140  public function get_m_root_uri()
141  {
142  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
143  $ret_string = $this->m_root_uri_string;
144  $protocols = self::get_m_supported_protocols();
145  $protocol = $protocols[0]; // Element zero has the default protocol.
147  // We check for a supported protocol, here. It must be HTTP or HTTPS.
148  $matches = array();
149  $uri = ''; // This will be the base URI to the main_server directory.
150  // See if we have a protocol preamble. Separate the URI into components.
151  if (preg_match('|^(.*?):\/\/(.*?)/?$|', $ret_string, $matches)) {
152  $protocol = strtolower($matches[1]);
153  // See if we are a supported protocol.
154  if (!in_array($protocol, $protocols)) {
155  $protocol = $protocols[0]; // The default protocol is in element zero.
156  }
158  $uri = $matches[2]; // This strips off any trailing slash.
159  } else {
160  // Strip off any trailing slash.
161  preg_match('|^(.*?)\/?$|', $ret_string, $matches);
162  $uri = $matches[1];
163  }
165  // At this point, we have a protocol, and a URI that has had its trailing slash removed.
166  // Reassemble them into a "cleaned" return string.
168  $ret_string = $protocol . '://' . $uri;
170  return $ret_string;
171  }
173  /************************************************************************************//**
174  * \brief Accessor -Set the server version. *
175  ****************************************************************************************/
176  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
177  private function set_m_server_version($in_version) ///< A string. The version information.
178  {
179  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
180  $this->m_server_version = $in_version;
181  }
183  /************************************************************************************//**
184  * \brief Accessor -Return the value of the server version (if any). *
185  * *
186  * \returns A string. *
187  ****************************************************************************************/
188  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
189  private function get_m_server_version()
190  {
191  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
192  return $this->m_server_version;
193  }
195  /************************************************************************************//**
196  * \brief Accessor -Set the class error message. *
197  ****************************************************************************************/
198  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
199  private function set_m_error_message($in_error_message) ///< A string. The error message.
200  {
201  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
202  $this->m_error_message = $in_error_message;
203  }
205  /************************************************************************************//**
206  * \brief Accessor -Return the value of the class error message (if any). *
207  * *
208  * \returns A string. *
209  ****************************************************************************************/
210  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
211  public function get_m_error_message()
212  {
213  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
214  return $this->m_error_message;
215  }
217  /************************************************************************************//**
218  * \brief Accessor -Set the class transaction "bucket" *
219  ****************************************************************************************/
220  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
221  private function set_m_current_transaction($in_current_transaction) ///< An array of mixed.
222  {
223  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
224  $this->m_current_transaction = $in_current_transaction;
225  }
227  /************************************************************************************//**
228  * \brief Accessor -Return a reference to the class transaction "bucket." *
229  * *
230  * \returns A reference to an array of mixed. *
231  ****************************************************************************************/
232  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
233  public function &get_m_current_transaction()
234  {
235  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
236  return $this->m_current_transaction;
237  }
239  /************************************************************************************//**
240  * \brief Accessor -Return the transaction stimulus array. *
241  * *
242  * \returns A reference to an array of mixed. *
243  ****************************************************************************************/
244  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
245  public function &get_m_outgoing_parameters()
246  {
247  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
248  return $this->m_outgoing_parameters;
249  }
251  /****************************************************************************************
253  ****************************************************************************************/
254  /************************************************************************************//**
255  * \brief Test the stored URI to see if it points to a valid root server, and return *
256  * the server version. *
257  * *
258  * This will cache the response in the incoming parameter ('m_server_version'), and *
259  * will return the cached value, if possible. *
260  * *
261  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
262  * *
263  * \returns A string, containing the server version. Null if the test fails. *
264  ****************************************************************************************/
265  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
266  public function get_server_version($in_force_refresh = false) ///< If this is true, then the server will be queried, even if there is a cache.
267  {
268  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
269  $ret = null;
271  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
273  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
274  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
276  if ($in_force_refresh || !$this->get_m_server_version()) {
277  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
279  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetServerInfo'; // We will load the JSON.
281  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
282  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
284  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
285  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
287  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
288  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
289  $info = json_decode($data, true);
290  $ret = $info[0]["version"];
291  $this->set_m_server_version($ret);
292  }
294  if (!$ret && !$this->get_m_error_message()) {
295  $this->set_m_error_message('get_server_version: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
296  }
297  } else {
298  $ret = $this->get_m_server_version();
299  }
301  return $ret;
302  }
304  /************************************************************************************//**
305  * \brief Return the server supported languages. *
306  * *
307  * This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('langs'), and will return *
308  * the cached value, if possible. *
309  * *
310  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
311  * *
312  * \returns An associative array, containing the server languages (the key will *
313  * indicate the language key, and the value will be an array with the readable *
314  * name of the language, and a "default" if this is the server's "native" language). *
315  ****************************************************************************************/
316  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
317  public function get_server_langs($in_force_refresh = false) ///< If this is true, then the server will be queried, even if there is a cache.
318  {
319  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
320  $ret = null;
322  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
324  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
325  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
327  if ($in_force_refresh || !is_array($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('langs')) || !count($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('langs'))) {
328  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
330  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetServerInfo'; // We will load the JSON.
332  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
333  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
335  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
336  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
338  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
339  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
340  $ret = array();
342  $data = json_decode($data, true);
343  $langs = explode(",", $data[0]["langs"]);
344  $default_lang = $data[0]["nativeLang"];
345  foreach ($langs as $lang) {
346  $ret[$lang]['name'] = $lang;
347  $ret[$lang]['default'] = $lang === $default_lang ? true : false;
348  }
349  $this->set_m_outgoing_parameter('langs', $ret);
350  }
352  if (!$ret && !$this->get_m_error_message()) {
353  $this->set_m_error_message('get_server_langs: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
354  }
355  } else {
356  $ret = $this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('langs');
357  }
359  return $ret;
360  }
362  /************************************************************************************//**
363  * \brief Return meeting changes between two dates. *
364  * *
365  * This requires that the server be version 1.8.13 or greater. *
366  * This queries the server for meeting change records between (and including) the two *
367  * dates given. The dates are optional. However, not supplying them means that the *
368  * entire server change record is returned, which is quite a mouthful. You can specify *
369  * just one of the parameters (all the changes after a date to now, or all of the *
370  * changes since the server started until a certain date). *
371  * *
372  * There is no caching of this call. It is always real-time. *
373  * *
374  * The dates are given as PHP UNIX times (integer epoch times). *
375  * *
376  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
377  * *
378  * \returns An indexed array containing the change records as associative arrays. *
379  ****************************************************************************************/
380  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
381  public function get_meeting_changes(
382  $in_start_date = null, ///< Optional. If given (a PHP time() format UNIX Epoch time), the changes will be loaded from midnight (00:00:00) of the date of the time.
383  $in_end_date = null, ///< Optional. If given (a PHP time() format UNIX Epoch time), the changes will be loaded until midnight (23:59:59) of the date of the time.
384  $in_meeting_id = null, ///< If supplied, an ID for a particular meeting. Only changes for that meeting will be returned.
385  $in_service_body_id = null ///< If supplied, an ID for a particular Service body. Only changes for meetings within that Service body will be returned.
386  ) {
387  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
388  $ret = null;
390  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
392  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
393  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
395  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
397  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetChanges'; // We will load the JSON data.
399  if (intval($in_start_date)) {
400  $uri .= '&start_date=' . date('Y-m-d', intval($in_start_date));
401  }
403  if (intval($in_end_date)) {
404  $uri .= '&end_date=' . date('Y-m-d', intval($in_end_date));
405  }
407  if (intval($in_meeting_id)) {
408  $uri .= '&meeting_id=' . intval($in_meeting_id);
409  }
411  if (intval($in_service_body_id)) {
412  $uri .= '&service_body_id=' . intval($in_service_body_id);
413  }
415  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
416  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
418  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
419  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
421  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
422  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
423  $info_file = new DOMDocument();
424  if ($data && $data !== '{}' && $data !== '[]') {
425  $ret = array();
426  $data = json_decode($data, true);
427  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
428  $ret[$key] = $value;
429  $ret[$key]["json_data"] = json_encode($ret[$key]["json_data"]);
430  }
431  }
432  } elseif (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
433  $this->set_m_error_message('get_meeting_changes: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
434  }
436  return $ret;
437  }
439  /************************************************************************************//**
440  * \brief Return the server supported formats. *
441  * *
442  * This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('formats'), and will *
443  * return the cached value, if possible. *
444  * *
445  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
446  * *
447  * \returns An associative array containing the formats as arrays. The array index is *
448  * that format's shared ID, for quick lookup. *
449  ****************************************************************************************/
450  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
451  public function get_server_formats($in_force_refresh = false) ///< If this is true, then the server will be queried, even if there is a cache.
452  {
453  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
454  $ret = null;
456  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
458  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
459  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
461  if ($in_force_refresh || !is_array($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('formats')) || !count($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('formats'))) {
462  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
464  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetFormats'; // We will load the JSON.
466  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
467  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
469  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
470  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
472  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
473  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
474  $ret = array();
475  $data = json_decode($data, true);
476  foreach ($data as $format) {
477  $ret[$format['id']] = $format;
478  }
479  } elseif (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
480  $this->set_m_error_message('get_server_formats: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
481  }
482  } else {
483  $ret = $this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('formats');
484  }
486  return $ret;
487  }
489  /************************************************************************************//**
490  * \brief Return the server's Service bodies, in hierarchical fashion. *
491  * *
492  * This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('services'), and will *
493  * return the cached value, if possible. *
494  * *
495  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
496  * *
497  * \returns An associative array, containing the server Service bodies
498  ****************************************************************************************/
499  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
500  public function get_server_service_bodies($in_force_refresh = false) ///< If this is true, then the server will be queried, even if there is a cache.
501  {
502  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
503  $ret = null;
505  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
507  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
508  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
510  if ($in_force_refresh || !is_array($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('services')) || !count($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('services'))) {
511  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
513  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetServiceBodies'; // We will load the JSON.
515  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
516  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
518  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
519  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
521  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
522  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
523  $ret = array();
524  $data = json_decode($data, true);
525  foreach ($data as $serviceBody) {
526  $ret[$serviceBody['id']] = $serviceBody;
527  }
528  } elseif (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
529  $this->set_m_error_message('get_server_service_bodies: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
530  }
531  } else {
532  $ret = $this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('services');
533  }
535  return $ret;
536  }
538  /************************************************************************************//**
539  * \brief Return a list of the supported meeting_key values.. *
540  * *
541  * Each root server can define its own meeting data item keys, so we need to fetch the *
542  * ones defined by this server. We do this by parsing the dynamically-generated *
543  * schema document from the server. *
544  * *
545  * This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('meeting_keys'), and will *
546  * return the cached value, if possible. *
547  * *
548  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
549  * *
550  * \returns An array of strings, containing the server meeting_key values. *
551  ****************************************************************************************/
552  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
553  public function get_server_meeting_keys($in_force_refresh = false) ///< If this is true, then the server will be queried, even if there is a cache.
554  {
555  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
556  $ret = null;
558  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
560  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
561  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
563  if ($in_force_refresh || !is_array($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('meeting_key')) || !count($this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('meeting_key'))) {
564  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
566  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetFieldKeys'; // We will load the JSON.
568  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
569  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
570  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
571  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
573  // If we get a valid response, we then parse the JSON.
574  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
575  $data = json_decode($data, true);
576  foreach ($data as $field_key) {
577  $ret[] = $field_key["key"];
578  }
579  } elseif (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
580  $this->set_m_error_message('get_server_meeting_keys: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
581  }
582  } else {
583  $ret = $this->get_m_outgoing_parameter('meeting_key');
584  }
586  return $ret;
587  }
589  /************************************************************************************//**
590  * \brief See if a given parameter key is valid for an outgoing parameter. *
591  * *
592  * This will set or clear the error message. *
593  * *
594  * \returns An array, or null. If an array, it will be an array of possible values. *
595  * Null is not an error. It simply means that this transaction key does not have a set *
596  * of preset values. *
597  ****************************************************************************************/
598  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
599  public function get_transaction_key_values($in_parameter_key) ///< A string. The key for this parameter..
600  {
601  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
602  $ret = null;
604  $this->set_m_error_message(null); // Clear the error message.
606  if ($this->is_legal_transaction_key($in_parameter_key)) {
607  // We start by getting a reference to the outgoing parameters array.
608  $outgoing_parameters =& $this->get_m_outgoing_parameters();
610  // We only respond with keys if the parameter value is a non-empty array.
611  if (is_array($outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key]) && count($outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key])) {
612  $ret = $outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key];
613  }
614  } else {
615  $this->set_m_error_message('get_transaction_key_values: Invalid Parameter Key: "' . $in_parameter_key . '"');
616  }
618  return $ret;
619  }
621  /************************************************************************************//**
622  * \brief See if a given parameter key is valid for an outgoing parameter. *
623  * *
624  * \returns A Boolean. True if it is legal, false, otherwise. *
625  ****************************************************************************************/
626  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
627  public function is_legal_transaction_key(
628  $in_parameter_key, ///< A string. The key for this parameter.
629  $in_sub_key = null ///< Optional. If this is a meeting_key value, see if it is legal. Ignored, otherwise.
630  ) {
631  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
632  // We start by getting a reference to the outgoing parameters array.
633  $legal_entities =& $this->get_m_outgoing_parameters();
635  $ret = array_key_exists($in_parameter_key, $legal_entities);
637  if (($in_parameter_key == 'meeting_key') && isset($in_sub_key)) {
638  $ret = $ret && array_key_exists($in_sub_key, $legal_entities[$in_parameter_key]);
639  }
641  return $ret;
642  }
644  /************************************************************************************//**
645  * \brief Add a transaction parameter to a transaction being built. *
646  * *
647  * This will set or clear the error message. *
648  * *
649  * \returns A Boolean. True if it is OK, false, otherwise. *
650  ****************************************************************************************/
651  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
653  $in_parameter_key, ///< A string. The key for this parameter. If there is one already set, this will overwrite that.
654  $in_parameter_value = null ///< Mixed. It can be any value. If an array, then the value will be presented as multiple values.
655  ) {
656  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
657  $ret = false;
659  $this->set_m_error_message(null); // Clear the error message.
661  if ($this->is_legal_transaction_key($in_parameter_key, $in_parameter_value)) {
662  // We start by getting a reference to our transaction array.
663  $transaction_array =& $this->get_m_current_transaction();
665  $transaction_array[$in_parameter_key] = $in_parameter_value;
666  $ret = true;
667  } else {
668  $this->set_m_error_message('set_current_transaction_parameter: Invalid Parameter Key: "' . $in_parameter_key . '"');
669  }
671  return $ret;
672  }
674  /************************************************************************************//**
675  * \brief Clear the Error Message. *
676  ****************************************************************************************/
677  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
678  public function clear_m_error_message()
679  {
680  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
681  $this->m_error_message = null;
682  }
684  /************************************************************************************//**
685  * \brief Return a value from the transaction stimuli array. *
686  * *
687  * \returns A reference to a mixed. This is the value in the array. *
688  ****************************************************************************************/
689  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
690  public function &get_m_outgoing_parameter(
691  $in_parameter_key_string, ///< A string. The parameter key
692  $in_parameter_secondary_key_string = null ///< If the parameter has an embedded array, a key for that (optional)
693  ) {
694  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
695  $ret = null;
697  if (!isset($this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string])) {
698  $this->set_m_error_message('get_m_outgoing_parameter: Invalid Key: "' . $in_parameter_key_string . '"');
699  } else {
700  if (isset($in_parameter_secondary_key_string)) {
701  if (!isset($this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string][$in_parameter_secondary_key_string])) {
702  $this->set_m_error_message('get_m_outgoing_parameter: Invalid Secondary Key: "' . $in_parameter_secondary_key_string . '"');
703  } else {
704  $ret =& $this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string][$in_parameter_secondary_key_string];
705  }
706  } else {
707  $ret =& $this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string];
708  }
709  }
711  return $ret;
712  }
714  /************************************************************************************//**
715  * \brief Set a parameter value to the transaction stimulus array. *
716  * *
717  * The outgoing array is "pre-keyed" with the possible parameters. You cannot change *
718  * the keys or access the values by reference. *
719  * *
720  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
721  ****************************************************************************************/
722  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
723  public function set_m_outgoing_parameter(
724  $in_parameter_key_string, ///< A string. The parameter key
725  $in_parameter_value_mixed ///< A mixed value
726  ) {
727  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
728  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
729  $this->set_m_error_message(null);
731  if (isset($this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string])) { // Null is not allowed.
732  if ($in_parameter_value_mixed === null) {
733  $in_parameter_value_mixed = '';
734  }
735  $this->m_outgoing_parameters[$in_parameter_key_string] = $in_parameter_value_mixed;
736  } else {
737  $this->set_m_error_message('set_m_outgoing_parameter: Invalid Key: "' . $in_parameter_key_string . '"');
738  }
739  }
741  /************************************************************************************//**
742  * \brief Sets the outgoing parameter array to its default values. *
743  ****************************************************************************************/
744  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
745  private function set_default_outgoing()
746  {
747  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
748  $this->m_outgoing_parameters = array (
749  /// Weekdays the meeting gathers.
750  'weekdays' => array (),
752  /// Meeting start time values
753  'StartsAfterH' => 0,
754  'StartsAfterM' => 0,
755  'StartsBeforeH' => 0,
756  'StartsBeforeM' => 0,
758  /// Meeting duration values
759  'MinDurationH' => 0,
760  'MinDurationM' => 0,
761  'MaxDurationH' => 0,
762  'MaxDurationM' => 0,
764  /// Search string values
765  'SearchString' => '',
766  'SearchStringAll' => false,
767  'SearchStringExact' => false,
769  /// String address values
770  'StringSearchIsAnAddress' => false,
771  'SearchStringRadius' => 0,
773  /// Location radius values
774  'geo_width' => 0,
775  'geo_width_km' => 0,
776  'long_val' => 0,
777  'lat_val' => 0,
779  /// Meeting data items (Array of keys completed at runtime)
780  'meeting_key' => array (),
781  'meeting_key_value' => '',
782  'meeting_key_match_case' => false,
783  'meeting_key_contains' => false,
785  /// Sorting
786  'sort_key' => array ( 'weekday' => true,
787  'time' => false,
788  'town' => false
789  ),
790  'sort_dir' => array ( 'asc' => true,
791  'desc' => false
792  ),
793  'sort_results_by_distance' => false, ///< This allows a sort of the results by distance.
795  /// Service body IDs (Array of keys completed at runtime)
796  'services' => array (),
798  /// Meeting IDs -Array of values filled by implementor
799  'meeting_ids' => array (),
801  /// Formats (Array of keys completed at runtime)
802  'formats' => array (),
804  /// Languages (Array of keys completed at runtime)
805  'langs' => array (),
807  /// This allows filtered responses.
808  'data_field_key' => null
809  );
810  }
812  /************************************************************************************//**
813  * \brief Flush all the parameters, and the dynamically-filled outgoing ones. *
814  ****************************************************************************************/
815  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
816  public function flush_parameters()
817  {
818  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
819  $this->set_m_server_version(null);
820  $this->set_m_current_transaction(null);
821  $this->set_default_outgoing();
822  $this->clear_m_error_message();
823  }
825  /************************************************************************************//**
826  * \brief Read all the standard parameters from the server *
827  * *
828  * This will set or clear the internal $m_error_message data member. *
829  ****************************************************************************************/
830  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
832  {
833  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
834  // We start off with a clean slate.
835  $this->clear_m_error_message();
836  $this->set_m_outgoing_parameter('meeting_key', array());
837  $this->set_m_outgoing_parameter('services', array());
838  $this->set_m_outgoing_parameter('formats', array());
839  $this->set_m_outgoing_parameter('langs', array());
840  // Now, we get the values from the server.
841  $this->get_server_formats();
842  if (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
843  $this->get_server_langs();
844  if (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
845  $this->get_server_service_bodies();
846  if (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
847  $this->get_server_meeting_keys();
848  }
849  }
850  }
851  }
853  /************************************************************************************//**
854  * \brief Execute a meeting search transaction *
855  * *
856  * \returns An array of meeting data (mixed). Each element of the array will, itself, *
857  * be an array, and will contain the meeting data. Null if no meetings were found. *
858  ****************************************************************************************/
859  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
860  public function meeting_search()
861  {
862  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
863  $ret = null;
865  $error_message = null; // We will collect any error messages.
867  // We start by clearing any internal error message.
868  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
870  $uri = $this->get_m_root_uri(); // Get the cleaned URI.
872  // For meeting searches, we ask for the response to be compressed, as it can be verbose.
873  $uri .= '/client_interface/json/?switcher=GetSearchResults'; // We will load the JSON.
875  $serialized_list = null;
877  if ($transaction_params = $this->build_transaction_parameter_list($serialized_list)) {
878  $uri .= $transaction_params;
879  }
880  // Get the JSON data from the remote server. We will use GET.
881  $data = self::call_curl($uri, false, $error_message);
883  $ret['uri'] = $uri;
884  $ret['serialized'] = $serialized_list;
886  // Save any internal error message from the transaction.
887  $this->set_m_error_message($error_message);
889  if (!$this->get_m_error_message() && $data) {
890  // We now have a whole bunch of meetings. Time to process the response, and turn it into usable data.
892  if ($data && $data !== '{}' && $data !== '[]') {
893  $data = json_decode($data, true);
894  foreach ($data as $meeting) {
895  $item = self::extract_meeting_data($meeting);
896  // Needs to be a valid meeting.
897  if ($item) {
898  // We save each meeting in an element with its ID as the key.
899  $ret['meetings'][] = $item;
900  }
901  }
902  }
903  } elseif (!$this->get_m_error_message()) {
904  $this->set_m_error_message('meeting_search: Invalid URI (' . $uri . ')');
905  }
907  return $ret;
908  }
910  /************************************************************************************//**
911  * \brief Unserialize a serialized transaction. *
912  * *
913  * This allows you to save a transaction, and re-use it. The transaction is not *
914  * executed. You still need to call meeting_search(). However, this replaces the setup *
915  * steps (set_current_transaction_parameter). It clears the transaction parameters *
916  * before it starts, so you cannot rely on any previous data being in the transaction *
917  * array. You can add transaction data afterward. *
918  * *
919  * \returns An array of string. If any of the given parameters cannot be set, their *
920  * key is given here. It is not an error. Null if everything fit. *
921  ****************************************************************************************/
922  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
923  public function apply_serialized_transaction($in_serialized_list) ///< A string that holds the serialized transaction list.
924  {
925  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
926  $ret = null;
928  $new_array = unserialize($in_serialized_list);
929  if (isset($new_array) && is_array($new_array) && count($new_array)) {
930  $ret = array();
931  $this->set_m_current_transaction(null); // Clear current transactions.
932  foreach ($new_array as $param_key => $param_value) {
933  if ($this->is_legal_transaction_key($param_key, $param_value)) {
934  $this->set_current_transaction_parameter($param_key, $param_value);
935  } else {
936  $ret[] = $param_key;
937  }
938  }
939  }
941  return $ret;
942  }
944  /************************************************************************************//**
945  * \brief Return the query parameter list for the next transaction in a serialized *
946  * string. *
947  * *
948  * \returns A string. The transaction parameter list in a serialized form. *
949  ****************************************************************************************/
950  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
951  public function get_serialized_transaction()
952  {
953  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
954  return serialize($this->get_m_current_transaction());
955  }
957  /************************************************************************************//**
958  * \brief Return the query parameter list for the next transaction. *
959  * *
960  * \returns A string. The transaction parameter list. *
961  ****************************************************************************************/
962  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
963  private function build_transaction_parameter_list(&$in_out_serialized_list) ///< A reference to a string that will hold the serialized transaction list.
964  {
965  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
966  $ret = null;
968  $transaction_array =& $this->get_m_current_transaction();
970  if (is_array($transaction_array) && count($transaction_array)) {
971  foreach ($transaction_array as $param_key => &$param_value) {
972  if ($this->is_legal_transaction_key($param_key, $param_value)) {
973  if (is_array($transaction_array[$param_key]) && (count($transaction_array[$param_key]) > 1)) {
974  foreach ($transaction_array[$param_key] as $param) {
975  $ret .= '&';
976  if ($param === true) { // Boolean is converted to a "1"
977  $param = 1;
978  }
979  $ret .= $param_key . '[]=' . urlencode(trim(strval($param)));
980  }
981  } elseif ((is_array($transaction_array[$param_key]) && (count($transaction_array[$param_key]) == 1)) || (!is_array($transaction_array[$param_key]) && isset($transaction_array[$param_key]))) {
982  $ret .= '&';
983  $param = $transaction_array[$param_key];
984  if (is_array($param)) {
985  $param = $param[0];
986  }
987  if ($param === true) { // Boolean is converted to a "1"
988  $param = 1;
989  }
990  $ret .= $param_key . '=' . urlencode(trim(strval($param)));
991  } else {
992  $this->set_m_error_message('build_transaction_parameter_list: Invalid Parameter Value: "' . $param_value . '" (' . $param_key . ')');
993  break;
994  }
995  } else {
996  $this->set_m_error_message('build_transaction_parameter_list: Invalid Parameter Key: "' . $param_key . '"');
997  break;
998  }
999  }
1000  }
1002  // This will be used to allow persistent state.
1003  $in_out_serialized_list = $this->get_serialized_transaction();
1004  return $ret;
1005  }
1007  /****************************************************************************************
1009  ****************************************************************************************/
1011  /************************************************************************************//**
1012  * \brief Accessor -Return the array of supported protocols. *
1013  * *
1014  * \returns An array of strings. *
1015  ****************************************************************************************/
1016  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1017  public static function get_m_supported_protocols()
1018  {
1019  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1020  return self::$m_supported_protocols;
1021  }
1024  /************************************************************************************//**
1025  * \brief Extracts the data from one meeting. *
1026  * *
1027  * \returns An associative array, with all the meeting data. *
1028  ****************************************************************************************/
1029  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1030  private static function extract_meeting_data($in_meeting_item)
1031  {
1032  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1033  $ret = null;
1035  foreach ($in_meeting_item as $key => $value) {
1036  if ($value) {
1037  $ret[$key] = $value;
1038  }
1039  }
1041  return $ret;
1042  }
1044  /************************************************************************************//**
1045  * \brief This is a function that returns the results of an HTTP call to a URI. *
1046  * It is a lot more secure than file_get_contents, but does the same thing. *
1047  * *
1048  * \returns a string, containing the response. Null if the call fails to get any data. *
1049  ****************************************************************************************/
1050  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1051  public static function call_curl(
1052  $in_uri, ///< A string. The URI to call.
1053  $in_post = false, ///< If false, the transaction is a GET, not a POST. Default is true.
1054  &$error_message = null, ///< A string. If provided, any error message will be placed here.
1055  &$http_status = null ///< Optional reference to a string. Returns the HTTP call status.
1056  ) {
1057  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
1058  $ret = null;
1060  // Make sure we don't give any false positives.
1061  if ($error_message) {
1062  $error_message = null;
1063  }
1065  if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { // Must have cURL.
1066  // If there is no error message variable passed, we die quietly.
1067  if (isset($error_message)) {
1068  $error_message = 'call_curl: The cURL extension is not available! This code will not work on this server!';
1069  }
1070  } else {
1071  // This gets the session as a cookie.
1072  if (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) {
1073  $strCookie = 'PHPSESSID=' . $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] . '; path=/';
1075  session_write_close();
1076  }
1078  // Create a new cURL resource.
1079  $resource = curl_init();
1081  if (isset($strCookie) && $strCookie) {
1082  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $strCookie);
1083  }
1085  // If we will be POSTing this transaction, we split up the URI.
1086  if ($in_post) {
1087  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_POST, true);
1089  $spli = explode("?", $in_uri, 2);
1091  if (is_array($spli) && (1 < count($spli))) {
1092  $in_uri = $spli[0];
1093  $in_params = $spli[1];
1094  // Convert query string into an array using parse_str(). parse_str() will decode values along the way.
1095  parse_str($in_params, $temp);
1097  // Now rebuild the query string using http_build_query(). It will re-encode values along the way.
1098  // It will also take original query string params that have no value and appends a "=" to them
1099  // thus giving them and empty value.
1100  $in_params = http_build_query($temp);
1102  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $in_params);
1103  }
1104  }
1106  if (isset($strCookie) && $strCookie) {
1107  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $strCookie);
1108  }
1110  // Set url to call.
1111  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_URL, $in_uri);
1113  // Make curl_exec() function (see below) return requested content as a string (unless call fails).
1114  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
1116  // By default, cURL prepends response headers to string returned from call to curl_exec().
1117  // You can control this with the below setting.
1118  // Setting it to false will remove headers from beginning of string.
1119  // If you WANT the headers, see the Yahoo documentation on how to parse with them from the string.
1120  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
1122  // Allow cURL to follow any 'location:' headers (redirection) sent by server (if needed set to true, else false- defaults to false anyway).
1123 // Disabled, because some servers disable this for security reasons.
1124 // curl_setopt ( $resource, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
1126  // Set maximum times to allow redirection (use only if needed as per above setting. 3 is sort of arbitrary here).
1127  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 3);
1129  // Set connection timeout in seconds (very good idea).
1130  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
1132  // Direct cURL to send request header to server allowing compressed content to be returned and decompressed automatically (use only if needed).
1133  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip,deflate');
1135  // Pretend we're a browser, so that anti-cURL settings don't pooch us.
1136  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "cURL Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130401 Firefox/21.0");
1138  // Trust meeeee...
1139  curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
1141  // Execute cURL call and return results in $content variable.
1142  $content = curl_exec($resource);
1144  // Check if curl_exec() call failed (returns false on failure) and handle failure.
1145  if ($content === false) {
1146  // If there is no error message variable passed, we die quietly.
1147  if (isset($error_message)) {
1148  // Cram as much info into the error message as possible.
1149  $error_message = "call_curl: curl failure calling $in_uri, " . curl_error($resource) . "\n" . curl_errno($resource);
1150  }
1151  } else {
1152  // Do what you want with returned content (e.g. HTML, etc) here or AFTER curl_close() call below as it is stored in the $content variable.
1154  // You MIGHT want to get the HTTP status code returned by server (e.g. 200, 400, 500).
1155  // If that is the case then this is how to do it.
1156  $http_status = curl_getinfo($resource, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
1157  }
1159  // Close cURL and free resource.
1160  curl_close($resource);
1162  // Maybe echo $contents of $content variable here.
1163  if ($content !== false) {
1164  $ret = $content;
1165  }
1166  }
1168  return $ret;
1169  }
1170 }
Provides low-level communication to the BMLT Root Server.
& get_m_current_transaction()
Accessor -Return a reference to the class transaction "bucket." * *.
is_legal_transaction_key( $in_parameter_key, $in_sub_key=null)
See if a given parameter key is valid for an outgoing parameter. * *.
& get_m_outgoing_parameter( $in_parameter_key_string, $in_parameter_secondary_key_string=null)
Return a value from the transaction stimuli array. * *.
& get_m_outgoing_parameters()
Accessor -Return the transaction stimulus array. * *.
See if a given parameter key is valid for an outgoing parameter. *This will set or clear the error me...
Return the server's Service bodies, in hierarchical fashion. *This will cache the response in the out...
Return a list of the supported meeting_key values.. *Each root server can define its own meeting data...
Test the stored URI to see if it points to a valid root server, and return * the server version....
set_m_root_uri( $in_root_uri_string, $in_skip_flush=false)
Accessor -Set the value of the Root URI. *NOTE: If the server URI changes, the parameters are flushed...
Execute a meeting search transaction * *.
set_current_transaction_parameter( $in_parameter_key, $in_parameter_value=null)
Add a transaction parameter to a transaction being built. *This will set or clear the error message....
Accessor -Return the value of the class error message (if any). * *.
Read all the standard parameters from the server *This will set or clear the internal $m_error_messag...
Return the query parameter list for the next transaction in a serialized * string....
static get_m_supported_protocols()
Accessor -Return the array of supported protocols. * *.
Return the server supported formats. *This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('forma...
Constructor -Set the value of the Root URI. * If a URI is passed in, then the object establishes and ...
static call_curl( $in_uri, $in_post=false, &$error_message=null, &$http_status=null)
This is a function that returns the results of an HTTP call to a URI. * It is a lot more secure than ...
get_meeting_changes( $in_start_date=null, $in_end_date=null, $in_meeting_id=null, $in_service_body_id=null)
Return meeting changes between two dates. *This requires that the server be version 1....
Unserialize a serialized transaction. *This allows you to save a transaction, and re-use it....
Flush all the parameters, and the dynamically-filled outgoing ones. *.
Accessor -Return the value of the Root URI. Perform "cleaning" if necessary. * *.
Return the server supported languages. *This will cache the response in the outgoing parameters ('lan...
set_m_outgoing_parameter( $in_parameter_key_string, $in_parameter_value_mixed)
Set a parameter value to the transaction stimulus array. *The outgoing array is "pre-keyed" with the ...
Clear the Error Message. *.